10 facts about the e-car

by Dipl.-Ing. Horst Lüning 1. Oil and gas are finite resources and cannot be recycled. 96% of the contents of a Li-ion traction battery, however, can be recycled. 2. electricity can be produced and distributed in many ways. Oil and gas must have very high...
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How it all began...

...in 2016 our paths crossed at the North Cape. Yes or no had already believed at that time that electric mobility had a future and had set the focus on new markets - at that time nobody wanted to believe us. In order to prove the whole thing to our customers ... we set out ...
Auf Hanibals Spuren

On the trail of Hanibal

With 37 elephants, 50,000 soldiers and 9,000 riders, the army commander Hannibal crossed the Alps in 218 BC - in 16 days. The two of us set off in a Ford Mustang GT Fastback with a 5.0l V8 engine and 421 horsepower. To this day, research is still being done into where...

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