What can we offer you?

Fit to previously created content...

... actual state, goals, actions, important key statements, challenges and solutions. Everything is represented clear and simple... project and time management.

Wikipedia - national and international: Your Business card for the internet.


We make important events public, through landingpages, social media, flyer...
national and international

...contact with journalists
...distribution & monitoring


The world turns around faster then we'd like it to. We show future markets.

Some call it spin. We call it useful information that changes opinions.

Our appetizers end up in the storage room. There they are structured and attractively prepared. We produce landing pages for products, services etc.

Always on board

What our customers say

Your concept of bite politics is ingenious!

The customer is happy, so are we.

"He must have been very skeptical before the interview.

AFTER the interview full of praise for the knowledge brought in and for the process."

That's great.

"Thank you very much for the entertaining and at the same time interesting and fruitful conversation today!"

"Many thanks to the entire team at yes or no for

professional performance!"

A whole page in the Handelsblatt, great!

"I want to thank you again for your great service."

The solution via your expert interviews saved us a lot of working time.

That's great.

Thank you very much.

"We've never had so many releases before,

"High praise!"

"The protocols


are worth their weight in gold. You're a great conversation piece, that's always good."

Excellent cooperation.

Simply a great professional service. Great, that's exactly how we imagined it.


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