Attention is a valuable currency - especially today, in times of mass information and fake news. This makes it difficult for companies to arouse the desired interest in their topics. Yet the publication of well-crafted reports continues to attract a great deal of attention. And leads to new business contacts or even encourages existing customers.

Our clients confirm this. Just like in a recent telephone conference. There, the client said that he had noticed a clear effect through the collaboration with yes or no Media - in the form of more inquiries via the homepage or interested parties contacting the company directly after reading an article. It was also astonishing that even regular customers developed their own initiative under the impression of a published report and approached the company on their own initiative.

According to the customer, this shows how important it is to communicate professionally about the company's services. Publications in newspapers and magazines that offer the reader added value are of great importance. This then leads to further distribution through word of mouth.

As yes or no Media, we have relied on journalistically prepared texts from the very beginning. This is based on a well-founded concept with which unique selling points and added value are first worked out and then formulated in a high-quality and target group-oriented manner. This results in a good publication and acceptance rate that reaches new prospects and existing customers alike.

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